
To all the nice folks who have asked me to relinquish this wordpress.com blog, sorry, no. Please stop asking, because I won’t change my mind.

It is true this blog lies dormant right now, but that my change in the future. In the meantime, I wish to retain adrian.wordpress.com in order to retain my wordpress API key, so that I can use the Akismet anti-spam service elsewhere.

Thank you.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Adrian Solsmed Says:


    I found your blog by typing in adrian.wordpress.com and was kindly wondering if you could please let me have this adress for my own blog?
    It doesn’t seem like you’re using it and it’s a shame to let the address go to waste!

    Adrian Solsmed, Norway

  2. holmes Says:

    shame on you

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